Different Hair Situations E1

Welcome to Crosstalk, a place where we discuss different topics about our day to day situations travels and non-travel related topics. This blog slash podcast is affiliated with crxssart.com and crossarttravels.com which is where you will find all this content. Check out crossarttravels.com for all your travel pics, blog, podcast and more info.
Today’s podcast is a funny extemporaneous conversation about Different Hair Situations, hair and hair products. Listen as we dive into hair products and situations many deal with on a regular basis. We hope you enjoy it. Please like and comment below.
Since this is a funny extemporaneous conversation you might hear some offensive statements in which you might not agree with. Please be considerate / mindful that the views or opinions expressed in this podcast or by me or the guest speakers are solely our own views and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of you or the people. Some statements are presented to represent opposition aspect of thinking while some are just for fun and games. Enjoy.
Also check out the below for more
Table of content E1
1. Making hair products
2. Hair compliments
3. Eco brand and Gels
4. Applying hair products
5. Wigs
6. Styling a wig
7. Is heat bad for your hair with wigs
8. Donation of hairs to make wigs
9. Taking care of your Natural hair
10. Stink hair
11. Washing your hair